Today in Math we started a new math challenge. We had to help Ms. MacDonald and Ms. Cook share 5 candies. We had to see how many candies we could share with out breaking them in half or having any extras. Ask me about how many ways I found.
1) Conference forms: went home today. Please respond the questions and return the form by Tuesday Sept 19th with your child's name on it.
2) To Access Teacher Blogs – Directions are below:
Please go the Royal Oak School website:
- Click on Teaching and Learning
- Click on Classes and Departments
- Scroll down to the grade your child is in (Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3) and click on the appropriate
3) Art project supplies needed: If you still have not brought a rock in their is still time. We will be needing rocks for an art project that is planned this week. Please help your child find a fist sized rock that they can paint. Thank you for all of your support.