Monday 6 November 2017

Nov 6

Today in inquiry we compared 2 pictures by investigating what was the same and what was different. At the end we where very excited to discover that each picture was of Calgary. Take a look at the pictures below and ask me about what I noticed that was the same and different. Can you see anything you did not notice the first time you looked at the pictures?

1) Photo re-take day: Nov 8th.

2) Remembrance Day Assembly: Nov 10th

3) Glenbow Museum field trip forms: Please fill out the forms and return by Nov 15th. Thank you.

4) Glenbow Museum field trip Volunteers: If you are able to volunteer for the field trip and have your volunteer clearance please email me here. Depending on how many people are available I may draw names to determine who can attend the field trip with us. Thank you for your continued support.