Tuesday 5 September 2017

Sept 5

Dear Parents and Students,

Please find below some general information you will find helpful as we begin our year of learning together.

If you would like to learn more about what we did during our day and receive important information about our classroom and the school such as field trips and special events you can follow my blog at
If you would like to receive e-mail's when a new post is made, please enter your email address into the follow by email box on the right hand side.

Students require two pairs of shoes.  One pair is to be used exclusively for indoor wear and the other for outdoor wear.  Please select shoes that your child can put on easily and independently.  If your child is unable to tie his/her shoes independently, please use Velcro shoes.  Both pairs of shoes should be appropriate for gym activities and running as we participate in daily physical education both indoors and outdoors dependent on weather. Please label your child’s shoes as many children have the same shoes. J

Students are expected to be able to fully and independently get their jackets on, change their shoes, pack up their backpacks, and put on their own hats and gloves.  If this is a skill that your child is still learning, please be sure to practice at home, and send them to school with items of clothing that they are able to put on independently such Velcro shoes, and easy slide zippers. Please also ensure that you label your child’s belongings, especially winter gear, as it can tend to be misplaced and end up in the lost and found. Each morning, your child should be dressed for the weather, as students will be outside for morning recess and lunch recess.  We also go outside as a class to look closely at nature and to sketch and sometimes for physical education.
Snacks and Lunch
We set aside 10 minutes before recess for students to eat their snacks as part of a classroom community.  We also use this opportunity to discuss healthy food choices and how they impact our energy and learning.  Please pack your child's snack and lunch separately in different containers or compartments so it is easy for your child to know when they should be eating each part. At times students will bring their snack with them outdoors.  Due to the number of children with food and nut allergies, we ask that you remind your children not to share food such as recess snacks with their friends. Please note that there are no microwaves available to heat snacks or lunches.  Grade 1 students will be eating their lunches in the lunchroom.  Please ensure you label their lunch bags as they sometimes end up in another classroom’s bin. 

Daily Folder
A blue coloured folder will be coming home in your child's backpack. This is their communication folder and we will use it each day to send home notices and important information. If you need to send a note to the teacher, it can also come in this folder. We will check them each day. 

Home Reading
Reading with your child at home on a regular basis is key to success.  We encourage students to read at home each day.   

Morning supervision begins at 8:55 am.  Please do not leave your children unattended before that time.  Students will also have a supervised morning recess and a supervised lunch recess.

Pick-up meeting spot
Due to the large amount of parents and caretakers picking up students at the end of the day, parents are encouraged to make meeting spots for their child. Some caregivers make their meeting spot on the hill so the student can still see the parent when they're leaving. Other meeting spots may be the coloured basketball nets. Students in Grade 1 know that if they check their meeting spot and their parent or caregiver is not there that they can return to the Grade 1 doors or the office. You can send me a quick e-mail at and let me know your meeting spot and I will ensure the students head there at dismissal. 

Birthday invites
If you have birthday invitations to hand out, please send them to school in your child’s communication folder. We will discreetly make sure each child receives their invitation to avoid any hurt feelings.  I do not expect that all students be invited to all parties.  We are unable to hand out birthday treats. 

Throughout the year we will be looking for a number of parent volunteers to assist us in the classroom and on field trips.   Please see the front office to confirm that volunteer and police clearance information is current.   All volunteers must have current security and volunteer clearance before you will be able to volunteer.  These do take time so don’t wait until the last minute!!!
This year, I am in hopes of being intentional and organized in the way that volunteers are managed and implemented, as your time is so very valuable and important to us. Below, please let me know if you are able to volunteer with the school, and what your preferential work and availability would be (please check more than one if that suits you).

   (Volunteer’s Name(s))

   (Child’s Name)

I am interested in volunteering in the following way(s) (please check all that apply) -

Working in the Classroom with Students (art projects, science, in-school field trips, reading, helping with cutting and pasting etc.)

Field Trips (outside of school)

Community Walks (outside of school)

Assisting with Scholastic book orders

I am available: ______________________________________________________________

Thank you for taking the time to fill this out. Please send it back in your child’s communication folder at your earliest convenience.


Ms. MacDonald

Amanda MacDonald
Teacher, Royal Oak School
Calgary Board of Education |

t| 403-777-6279